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“Acceptgiro stopt over anderhalf jaar”
(Website Currence 1 November 2021).

Payment systems are infrastructure, which is why a successful payment product can last 40 years. But in the end even the Acceptgiro, a very successful Request-to-Pay payment product, disappears.
Although according to Currence the heyday of the Acceptgiro is around 1995, the market share has been declining since the beginning of 1990. Due to the successful promotion campaign “Upgrade Direct Debit”, the Dutch public switched en masse to Direct Debit (the green-yellow-red mandates) which had already around 1993 a higher market share than the Acceptgiro.
What would be the next product that will die: cards due to Instant Payments or will we soon make massive use of CBDCs?

As mentioned, Acceptgiro was a successful Request to Pay payment product. The Acceptgiro also has a four-corner model with a decisive role for the banks in it. However different from the new Request-to-Pay setup of the EPC. In the latest Request-to-Pay payment product, the “request flow” runs through the recipient’s bank and the payer’s bank. With the Acceptgiro, this was more in line with the normal Customer Journey; an act between customer and supplier.

Read the publication on the website of Currence. Text in Dutch

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