"European payment systems are good, but they can be even better. For banks as well"

Payment systems have evolved from a utilitarian service to a competitive spearhead in the online economy where everything revolves around speed. A spearhead but also an Achilles’ heel. Consumers want to be able to pay in every situation and with every device, the Internet of Things is in the making. Transaction amounts that were once considered irrelevant for electronic processing – the micropayments – now find themselves in the eye of the storm. Bulk payments will become real time transactions. But how do systems keep up with the ever-growing demand? How can banks start generating revenue from payments? And where is ‘Europe’ on this?

Jaap Ringnalda has written Whitepapers in which he presents his vision for major developments in the world of payment systems. These can be downloaded in Dutch or in English, free of charge.

A wealth of material for discussion on how to make payments count.

Whitepaper A: A Precarious Balance of Power in Payment Services

Every market has its own products, clients and regulators, each with its own dynamics. In Europe 90% of the total number of payment transactions are made by 1% of the number of clients. The slightest shift in the behaviour of clients/users can have dramatic consequences for certain service providers of payment systems...

Whitepaper A


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Whitepaper B: Towards a Better Business Case for Payment Services from Banks

As in every service sector, payment transaction services must yield a good operating result. Unfortunately, this is not always the case; and this especially applies to banks...

Whitepaper B


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Whitepaper C: Payment Systems tailored to the client's needs

Ideally, payment systems for the client should dovetail seamlessly with the relationship between the two parties (customer-seller, debtor-creditor)….

Whitepaper C


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